For Faculty Members
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Sabbatical Leave Application Process
The WVMFT, AFT 6554 Sabbatical Leave Committee invites full-time faculty to apply for a one- or two-semester sabbatical leave during the 2024-2025 academic year. The deadline for applications, which should be submitted to HR by Friday, December 1, 2023 at 5:00 PM.
The committee has scheduled and informational meeting via zoom for both colleges, to be held: Thursday, November 2, 2023 at 4:00 PM. The meeting will be virtual through Zoom and committee chair will send out the details prior to November 3. We look forward to your participation!
Copies of successful applications are kept in the college libraries. Sabbatical leave application forms, guidelines, and a new 'tips sheet' can be downloaded from this page. (Note: you can use either the fillable pdf version--the limitation is that the number of boxes cannot be changed--or the Word version.)
Please contact Wael Abdeljabbar, Chair, WVMFT, AFT 6554 Sabbatical Leave Committee, if you have any questions.
Sabbatical Leave Committee Members
- Dr. Wael Abdeljabbar - Committee Chair
- Monica Rivas (MC), Faculty
- Ron Dotson (WV), Faculty
- Jennifer Kerwin (WV), Faculty
- Clement Lam (MC), Dean
- Melvin (Mel) Vaughn (WV), Dean of Science and Math